Wednesday, February 18, 2009

back home with chipped nail polish

Hello. Its our third day back from Vegas and I am still hungover from the glory of room service and housekeeping and having nothing to do but craft or play poker. Now there is grocery shopping, budgeting, dentist appointments, picking up prescriptions, and cleaning oh wonderful horrible cleaning, and dogs who need to go outside in the rain every fifteen minutes. This is life though, strong-beat-throbbing life.

We had a nice Presidents Day. Went to Starbucks and read our What I Love About You books together, we were having so much fun a woman came up to us and commented on how our relationship was inspiring to her, one of the nicest compliments we've received. Then we walked around a bit, had lunch at La Salsa and broke down and bought Rock Band with our Vegas winnings. We came home and played all day, Ron singing and me playing the guitar. We are so dreamsong rock and roll now at least when we play our video game...hahaha.

So now off to a shower and then out to the rain and clouds to run errands. "Hello real life", and life says smugly, "welcome back Catherine".


Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

You're updates are so wonderful, I love seeing what's going on with you, the dogs, crafts, art, etc.

I think you and Ron should come up here and test your fate at our casinos, thrift shops, and fabric stores. Whadya say? :)

catherine said...

We would love to come up and visit one of these days!

Thanks for all the compliments!