Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quilty McGee

It's been a few days. Sorry the picture is sloppy and un-artsy. I've been quilting in between naps. But mostly taking naps because I haven't been able to get into a deep sleep at night and all my medication makes me quite tired. Also, I'm avoiding some things and sleep is a great avoidance tool (so I've heard) and now I am a practicing member of the sleep to avoid things club. Oh well.

My quilt is rather, rawther messy at the moment. All sewed up seems and ragged edges but its coming along pretty well in my opinion. I'm going to work most of the day tomorrow on it, as I have probably only put about two hours into it so far. I also need to clean the house but being creative is so much more fun and rewarding.

Some goals I have:

finish my quilt

take more pictures

finish all the laundry

finish reading The Dream Songs by John Berryman

get a poker lesson from Ron

1 comment:

Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

I'm so glad you finally posted photos of this. (Although I'm still waiting for sock monkey pictures.)

The quilt looks great, I can imagine how comfy it's going to be when it's finished.