Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Darling, you're lucky

My face is swollen and bruising from passing out last night. Sadly, I can't say it was from alcohol...At least if I have to pass out I'd want it to be blamed on something fun gone wrong. Instead I have to say it was from medicine and bad mexican food.

The New Hampshire primaries are tonight and I'm horribly curious. I predict Obama and John McCain will take it down this round. I guess I believe the polls this time around. I think Hillary winning tonight is a long shot and who else is there on the Democratic side that matters, Edwards only matters as an abstract phantom candidate to a few people...maybe he could be a running mate (sorry buddy). 

Ron and I are trying to get more informed for this election. He is actually reading their foreign policy statements. You really have to sneak around all the smooth-furry talk to get to what they supposedly really think about things. I want to pull out their records and see what they have done. 

It's morning but I am going to say goodnight for no real reason other than I want to.


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