Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I love carnations. They smell so sweet and yummy.

Ron is teaching and I'm home with the dogs trying to get motivated for the day. I think my new medication is starting to kick in a bit as I have a bit more energy and its a little easier to get out of bed in the morning. I also found out that I am allowed to drink again, after a week of being booze free, I'm happy to get back on the wagon and have a drink or two.

Our living room feels quite delicious and cozy these days. We are almost done decorating, just need to hang some lanterns and then I will post some pictures of the finished product.

I haven't been crafting or writing much these days. One big reason is that my art room is an absolute mess/disaster. I will clean it this week and get going on some more projects.

Ron and I have been talking a lot about what we want to do with our lives and who we want to be. I love talking with him, he is so deep and introspective-interesting. I don't really know what I want to do once I'm better. I have some little ideas but they are such a non-reality right now as I'm completely focused on getting through my illness. I hate being sick, but I know this is my lot in life and I have to do the best I can to get better. I do imagine myself wearing a 50's style dress and selling bouquets of flowers at the Farmers Market one day. I think that will happen, or at least I am somewhat hopeful it will. That is something to hold on to.


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