Monday, June 29, 2009


My orange juice and powder blue coffee mug looked so pretty in the sun this morning. Its nice to be home and having a slow morning. I woke up when Ron left for work (6 am) and am hoping to have a productive day.

This picture is a little blurry but I love Amelia's silly morning face. Paul taught her to play fetch while we were gone. She will bring a toy back and if you say "thank you" she will give it to you. So cute!

Isabelle didn't learn any new tricks but does have a sleepy face this morning.

I'm feeling pretty good this morning. Last night I dreamt our house was falling apart, happy to wake up and realize there are only two holes in the floor rather than hundreds. I love our little bungalow.

1 comment:

Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

Yea for Amelia learning a new trick and for being so productive, that's awesome!