Friday, June 19, 2009


One yellow puffer fish! This was one of Isabelle's first toys and it has gone missing. She loves to suck on it and fall asleep doing a little paw dance. We like to call this habit of hers "puffing" since, after all, he is a puffer fish. If you spot him in the ice cream shop or Neiman Marcus please promptly return him to this lonely little puppy.

I am in the office with Ron since he is alone here and I was having a rotten morning. Last night we went to the Bridge (a Bible study) and I realized that I have to either decide to believe in God and figure him out, or decide to not believe and stop going to church. I decided I'm going to give him a chance and pulled out my Bible that has been on the bookshelf unread for about two years. I am going to read through the Psalms as they are full of appeals to God for strength, comfort and answers, which is what I need right now. Its hard because I am so bitter at God. I don't understand how he can let me and other people suffer so much. I feel so done with prayer and hope and the belief that he is a good god. In the same token, I can't imagine my life without him.

Today is Mike's memorial service. We couldn't attend since we are taking care of things down here. Tomorrow his daughter comes down to go to a camp for kids with skin diseases. We are going to spend some time with her. I hope I can be comforting and understanding. I just can't imagine how hard this time must be for them.


Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

My two favorite books: James and Job.

If you're up to it, I'm down for an online/virtual study/discussion on them.

catherine said...

I would love to do that. Maybe we could do it on Job?

Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

Sounds great, let me know how much you want to read each week. Did you want to freelance it and wing it or get any study guide stuff? (Sometimes I find they help, sometimes they bug me and frustrate me.)

Hope you're having a good night!