Thursday, August 14, 2008


Isabelle is barking at the maintenance man who is working on our fridge. He keeps finding jingly cat toys so she keeps going in there to steal a few, get's rather excited/scared and comes running back to me. She looks like a cute rotten spoiled poodle now with her new haircut.

It's been a long time. Feels like I'm starting over with you darling. I'm feeling okay, other than horrible jump-out-of-my-skin antsy from my medicine. But it works in a few important respects in a so-so humdrum powerful parcel sort of way most of the time.

I have been rawther artistic lately which has been fun. I also want to start doing yoga and meditating from time to time. This will be my check in journal to keep track of how I'm doing and how I feel each day. So to do it. And to amen.

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