Wednesday, May 21, 2008


It's my darlings birthday. Tonight we are going out to PF Chang's for sake and dinner, then to cold stone and the midnight showing of Indiana Jones. I bought him a few things and of course I doubt and suffer in the thought that he won't like them, but we will see tonight...He is wonderful and I hope I can let him know how special he is.

This weekend the party sort of continues. We are going to get an ice cream cake, and also go play poker at Bay 101 on Sunday. We are excited to dabble in live poker again. A win would be the best present. A lose, will be a downtrodden trip to denny's then home for some whiskey and sleep. 

Last weekend we cleaned out our second bedroom turned garage. It was horrible and good and overwhelming. Now it is becoming my art room and all that is left is organizing all my art stuff the way I want, and decorating. I'm excited. I'm also getting a laptop to keep in there for writing, I can't wait to get started on a schedule of doing the things I love. It's a battle for me, but to do it, really do it. To devote, and write and create--images, feelings, pangs. This is what I want to do. Now to fight my damn self effacing and get, get to it.

In June we are going to Vegas for Ron to go to a conference. I will have several days alone, staying at the Rio while the WSOP is in progress. I'm so excited to be able to watch some of the events and troll the hotel for our favorite players. But I will miss Ron and hate to fill him in on the exciting details of my day when he spent his in a classroom listening to a nasally voiced instructor.

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