Thursday, May 29, 2008

Look kids it's a bankroll!

Last night we had dinner with Ron's parents. After a brief discussion on how we lost our measly bankroll in one night at Bay 101, we discovered that they have been holding a $5,000 bonus for us for perhaps over a year, waiting to give it to us. They said they would ask us how we were doing with money, and of course we say fine because we are doing fine (doesn't mean we don't want or need more), but since we said we were doing fine they just kept holding it in their sneaky little way. Now that we know this, whenever they ask about money again we are going to say "we are horribly poor".

Anyway, this means we have a $5,000 bankroll which is not bad at all. Now we are planning our run to $10,000...
I'm a bit gun shy after our big losing session on Sunday, but at the same time I keep telling Ron "give me some money and I will sit down and eat their souls!" Oh, I am quite competitive when I want to be. Also, our tax rebate check of $1200 will be here soon and be used for some needlework...

In other news, Isabelle is starting to look like a woolly mammoth and the art room will be put together tomorrow. Then next week, my new writer-artist schedule will begin. And a doctors appointment because I am starting to suspect I have asthma.

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