Friday, September 26, 2008


Things start out slow. I went out this morning looking for pine cones only to find they had all been run over by cars in the parking lot. I'm still wondering what to do with my parents and feel crushed and swallowed like a little pill.

In other news I've started making a new thing, jars with pictures and goodies inside. I made my first one today and titled it "north, south, east, west" and I don't know. I sort of like it. I have to get paint and more jars and pictures and try again. I want it to look terribly exciting and interesting like a little portal into a scene of life. Oh well and we'll see and oh my.

I tried to get through the morning and got through the morning. I am still on the hunt for white pumpkins to put around the apartment. I am so excited about fall. Tomorrow night we are going to a show at The Shoreline so I have to wear a coat. After so much dry heaved heat it's hard to imagine wearing a coat.

Isabelle is pouting because we had to put her bark collar on after she went into a tizzy over someone walking past our apartment. She lays on the couch next to me and tries to go to sleep even though she isn't tired, facing away from me and kicking me with her back paws. Such a cute messy emotional little thing.

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