Saturday, September 27, 2008

fly now

It's early for a Saturday. Ron is on his way to his first 18 hole golf course. I missed his warmth in bed so had to get up. He is sweet and cuddly, so determined in the things he wants, so cranky from time to time which is horribly cute.

This morning Shannon and I are going to the Livermore thrift store. It's the last Saturday of the month so everything is half priced so we are going to get there when it opens. Two bargain hunters on the prowl for our Burberry coats. I have twenty dollars so have to be smart and tactful in what to get. Twenty dollars can disappear like magic.

I have this anxiousness and sleepeness right in my center. It creeps all over me like a vine and chokes me. Anxious about getting better, what to do with parents, waiting. Sleepy because of life, getting better, a tiredness that erupts in my soul.

Tomorrow Dexter starts. I want to have a party for the entire day in expectation.

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