Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Its the second day of the turnaround and I'm starting to get used to things. I went to my appointment today and got a lot of advice on how to be ok being alone and such. It also was explained to me why I'm like this. Basically, my parents never taught me how to self-comfort because they were so unpredictable and if they don't know how to rest they couldn't teach me how to rest. Instead they taught me how to stress out and be scared of things. So I learned to be afraid of being alone and of life itself and instead of resting when I am alone I get racing thoughts and anxiety. So the dr told me to buy some slippers and spa things and take care of myself so that is what I'm doing.

Isabelle is eating my new slippers though...she just can't help it. So I made a little fire and Ron should be home soon and I will make us a pizza and just rest with him. I can't wait to see him. This seems like the biggest thing but really it can be a good thing if I let it. To just rest and have peace.

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