Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I'm at the office with Ron listening to him in a meeting. I'm tired and just went to my appointment which was rather rotten. First, we found out that we aren't going to be moving in with Paul and Laura if we can stay in our apartment longer because I can't handle too much change right now. Secondly, I found out that I have to go on another medicine with worse side effects next week. But we'll see. I have to do what I need to do and be strong.

I'm trying to write and be extra creative these days. Anything to keep me going through the dark cracks and crevices of depressiondom. It sounds romantic but isn't.

He is wonderful by the way, taking care of me and nursing me back to health in a slow steady way. He stays home with me and helps me get through the days when I don't think I can. To being with him tonight and soon.

Christmastime is nearly here and I can't wait. We are going to Vegas for Christmas which should be awesome. But I will miss the presents under the tree, the fire in the fireplace, making our cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Funny how many traditions we can have after being together only five years.

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