Thursday, January 15, 2009

Its morning and I'm in my trusty grey sweater trying to keep track of our rumple tumbled black mess of a puppy---Isabelle. Today she has decided to bark at the myriad of birds we have in our backyard and to sniff every corner in the house searching for snails, wooly elves, and strange darkling creatures.

Here is my lovely, lovely fabric for my first patchwork quilt. I love the mixture of bold and miniature patterns and the whimsical yellow. The pink/red fabric is my favorite. I sat down to start cutting my squares yesterday and discovered I had no scissors that were sharp enough to cut the fabric well. So I was off to the market in the afternoon to buy some sharp sewing sheers. Today I have everything I need, so off to the craft room.
In other news, I'm approaching another bout of depression. I've been in a deep melancholy for a few weeks now and it seems to be getting worse. Also, since we've moved I've been really struggling with feeling safe in the house alone, something about it, perhaps old ghosts and old memories keeps me ever so lightly frightened and bewildered. But to keep moving forward creatively and to staying strong and to getting through the days as gently and free as I can.


Betty said...

I love your quilt fabric! And just remember that Isabelle is there to protect you. She was so cute in the pics!! Happy to see you tomorrow! Love Shannon

sally said...

I can't wait to see the quilt!!