Friday, January 30, 2009


As you know, its my birthday. I always like to look back on the past year and contemplate what happened and imagine what will happen next year.

My twenty-fourth year was once again (along with my 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23rd) one of the hardest years in my battle with depression. From January to December I was lucky to get out of bed in the morning, I was lucky to be alive, just sitting on the couch was a feat, taking care of the dog, making the bed all these things were amazing little victories.

Then in December with some changes in medication and after confronting my parents about some things from the past it all started to click. I felt creative again, robust, strong, able to be out in public. I still struggle every day with getting overwhelmed and anxious but these past two months have been the best months of my life so far. Kind of amazing to think about. And here I am crafting again, writing, with a new crazy puppy, cooking dinners, going out with friends, its really an unbelievable improvement.

My wish for this year is pretty obvious and has been my wish for the last five years: that I continue to get better so I can live a full life. I'm twenty five today, I feel so old, I feel so lucky.


ronald brian gantt said...

oooo what a pretty girl

Betty said...

I agree! Catherine ,you are gorgeous and not just on the outside. I keep seeing you blossom into the person you are meant to be. Im so proud of you and love you so much. Happy Birthday!

sally said...

Cate, Here is to a new and better year in your oh-so-short life. You are not getting old!!! You still have at least 2 more lifetimes ahead of you based on your 25 years. (Think about that for awhile.) Think how much you will do & learn & enjoy in the years ahead. I was never one to set goals or have a "to do" list but looking back I would highly recommend it. Such a sense of accomplishment when you cross something off. Celebrate Life! It is so precious. And so are you.