Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Dearest

Granny is in the hospital in a coma. Last night we pulled her off life support and are now waiting for her precious life to end. This is so tragic and shocking as we were just setting up her hospice care and getting her ready to leave the hospital.

Its a sad day of waiting, I don't quite know what to write or do with myself. I wish I had more time to say goodbye and that I kissed her cheek as she always did mine. I have so many regrets, not calling or spending enough time with her.

She has the most beautiful pink cheeks and I remember she always wanted to go to Chili's when we got together and have the lettuce wraps. When I first met her she told me a story of how she broke a man's screen door and we still say "I broke the door I did, I did". She bought me one of the bud vases I have out right now that is full of daffodils. I miss her. I can't believe this is happening. The most important thing is that she is as comfortable as possible and that we know where she is going. I don't know what else to say...

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