Monday, March 30, 2009

paint puppies

While I was thrifting for Etsy this weekend. The very sweet team of Paul and Ronald painted the trim and ceiling in our bedroom white. The dogs joined in on the painting too and ended up looking like this.

Ron called me and let me know by saying "we have a dalmatian" I wondered what he meant all the way home. Luckily, Isabelle only painted half her face. She thinks she is quite fashionable.

They still have the paint on them as Ron and I were too lazy to give them a bath yesterday.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Curtain maker

We have these cute little cupboards in our kitchen that have the ugliest orange cupboards, so I decided to make a little curtain to replace the cupboards.

I think its rather cute.

Its great at hiding all our spices, and the tension rod makes it easy to move the curtain to get to what you need.

This is only my second project that I've successfully made on my sewing machine, so I'm pretty excited. We have two more cupboards like this on the other side of the kitchen (facing the dining room) I'm debating whether I should make two more or if that will look too gaudy. We'll see...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bird on a wire (post two)

The weather is finally nice enough to open the windows and air out the house. The breeze feels so good. I went out this morning and took pictures of our whimsical, rustic, overgrown magical forest of a backyard. Above is one of our neighborhood birds. Can't wait to get bird feeders. I love birds and here we have lots of Blue Jays and Woodpeckers.

Here is our overgrown grass (more weeds than grass) and the old broken picnic table the seller left.

Our telephone pole. I actually love telephone poles, they are so vintage and interesting to look at.

Our Junipers, or as I like to call them Bonsai Trees. They are so cool looking in a creepy way and give us so much privacy. We have debated taking them down, but have finally decided to build around them, they are such a piece of the property it would be sad to take them out. The ones in the front yard are coming out though, as they are so overgrown and planted in the wrong spots.

We used to have a red picnic table just like this growing up.

We have several tree stumps. I wonder what the trees looked like before they were cut down. I can't wait to landscape and put in some birch trees, flowers and a little garden.

This looks like something from an Indiana Jones movie. I can see it from the kitchen window and always wondered if it was an antique, until I came out (after months of wondering) and found out its just an old planter. Something we will definitely keep.

We actually have some flowers in the yard! These are growing and blooming like crazy throughout the yard. Forgot their name but they sure are pretty.

Weeds can be pretty too. We have a lot of dandelions.

We have chairs in the back so I was tempted to go out and journal but Isabelle and Amelia would have none of that as they almost knocked down the screen jumping, barking and crying for me. At least I got some pictures. Can't wait until we build a fence so we can really enjoy the yard.

Game Night (post one)

Last night we had company. Our friends Lori and Karen came over and we played Rock Band and a game of Scrabble. Good times.

I had the worst letters ever! Ron got lucky and was able to use all his letters in one word, the word was (of course) talented. He also announced that he had all the letters to spell a part of a woman's anatomy (I won't mention here) which was pretty funny.

We sort of cheated and allowed in names as well, so I spelled out Quin assuming someone in Hollywood thinks that's a name, I actually think its kind of cute. Lori and Karen tried raw bell pepper for the first time and liked it (I think), they also both decided, once again, that they don't like cauliflower. At least the strawberries were delicious. I love having company and playing hostess. Especially when we have guests as fun as those two.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

cleaning house

I love this picture of our brick chimney for our fireplace that smokes into the house so bad we can't use it. Yes, we bought and old dilapidated house. We are having company over tonight so I actually have to do some cleaning instead of just writing about it. The wood floors are full of dust and the pink bathroom with the cracked mirror is crying for some cleaning.

We have done so much work on the house, but it doesn't really show. Taking down wallpaper to reveal pocked walls isn't very satisfying. We just need to paint. Once we paint I know I will be in love. But painting isn't as easy as it seems when you have to also texture the majority of the walls. I hate being the people in the rich neighborhood with the cheapest house in town (literally). But at the same time, it doesn't matter all that much. Everyone on our streets understands (I hope) why we don't mow our lawn, there is just too much to do in the rest of the house to think of mowing the lawn and we don't have a lawnmower. Not sure why I have all this self consciousness about the house today, maybe because we are having friends over tonight.

In other news Amelia is gigantic now, she can actually jump and reach the kitchen counters (a big no no). But she is a good girl who hasn't had a bath in about three months (I know, stinky).

Ok now to cleaning...Catherine get to work!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


After this dear one ate the corner of my journal I had to get another. Off to Borders I went and found this perfect leather one. Exactly the right size and the paper is gold leafed on the edges.

I also found this Home Journal which is a little organizer for home projects with tons of pouches for paint chips, business cards, coupons and the like. I love the cover and now we are extremely organized.

Now with these along with my planner, I should have it all together. But the truth is, I don't. I'm as lost as ever. Oh how we fool ourselves into thinking that writing everything down will get us motivated and put together.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lady Madonna

Did I tell you I have a collection of Mary/religious/Catholic symbols? I love the iconography of the Madonna, the rosary and other religious trinkets. My collection is rather small, maybe twelve items in all because I am rather choosey in what I allow in. Most of my Mary's are white porcelain and/or vintage. I love my little collection, its one of my favorite things.

I'm feeling rather creative tonight but I don't know what I want to do. Lately I've been sort of down creatively. Lots of ideas but I don't know exactly how to make the things I want to make. I'm not very good at any of it, I just do the best I can and to be honest I don't feel like my best is very good anymore. Its rather depressing. Once again my "hard time" creeps in between me and the things I love. Tomorrow I'm going to spend some time working in my craft room which should be good.

Off to bed. Goodnight!

Monday, March 23, 2009

rock n roll

The show was great! We saw our friend Jay in two bands and they were both rockin'. I should have remembered that to fit in all you have to wear is a black hoodie, instead I wore my bright blue jacket and stood out like a little thumb.

Sadly most of my pictures didn't come out, but I do love this one of the graffiti on the rafters. After the show we came home and had double bourbon and ginger ales and went to bed.
Sunday I was sick so we just relaxed, survived a power outage in the house (you don't realize how much you need it until its gone) then Ron went to teach a class and I took a little nap. Last night we watched The Godfather and went to bed early.

I'm feeling a lot better this morning so I'm going to do some cleaning and then go buy a new journal and some other goodies with Ron's poker winnings from Friday night, which he so sweetly gave me half. Happy Monday!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Just got through another rotten week full of sleep and not feeling so good. I'm having a lot of trouble getting motivated and focusing. Even simple things like watching a movie, making breakfast or taking a shower become battles when I'm in a bad one. So the house was a mess, as you can see from the picture. This morning Ron and I did some serious cleaning. Dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, tidying up and Febreeze-ing everything. Now the house looks liveable and that helps a lot.

Winnifred chewed up my leather journal (we are watching her while Paul and Laura are in Vegas). She is so cute though, its hard to be upset for long. So now to getting a new journal and trying to salvage this one.

Tonight we are going to a punk rock show in Berkeley to see our buddy Jay. It should be fun but I can't remember what punk rock kids wear these days so I'm just going in jeans and a blouse and my western looking flats (I know totally punk teehee). I used to be such a punk rocker in the 90's, baggy jeans, plaid, spiked red hair and chains. Funny, if that version of me could see me now I bet she would think I am totally uncool. I feel old today.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

I just got my Spring wardrobe together. I was down to six shirts, one black skirt, and two pairs of jeans that fit so I was way overdue for a shopping expedition. Now I have fifteen shirts (wowzas!), two pairs of jeans, three skirts, and two cardigan sweaters. I bought thirteen items for only $150...such a bargain!

I love all the ruffle blouses and I found two shirts with embroidered polka dots, so cute and colorful/comfortable for Spring. Hopefully most of these things will last through the Summer as well. I'm trying to dress a little more grown up but still chic and like myself. Its hard to stop shopping in the juniors section but I did it this time. No more "kids" clothes for me. Now I'm excited to mix and match. The only things I need now are a new pair of ballerina flats and some sandals.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Why we need a maid

Something tells me Spring is almost here. Maybe it is the flowers, our extremely overgrown grass out front, or that all the blogs I read are talking about Spring cleaning and making lemonade. Whatever it is, I need to get in the spirit. At least the cleaning spirit.

Here is my Spring cleaning list:

  • Finish the laundry (confession: I have been trying to work on this one since before we moved)
  • Clean bedding
  • Sweep all the horrible dust bunnies
  • Vacuum the evil rug from Ikea that creates all the dust bunnies
  • Mop
  • Dust
  • Clean the bathrooms
  • Buy the Lord's Prayer Cross from the commercial
  • Just kidding
  • Clean out the fireplace
  • Finish unpacking from the months ago move
  • Redecorate everything
  • Clean the kitties room (yes the kitties have a room of their own. We figure we owe it to them since we have two evil dogs)
  • Organize laundry room
  • Organize my closet
  • Clean crafting room
Ugh, I am so not looking forward to doing any of these things. Next week will be cleaning week though, Spring cleaning week. I will listen to Nina Simone and tie up my hair in a scarf like Lucille Ball and become a cleaning machine.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

plan girl

I was out with Shannon Friday night and she convinced me of the glories of keeping a day planner. So I picked up this cute turquoise one and started it on Monday. Each night before I go to sleep I write out everything I would like to do the next day and keep the planner by my bedside so when I wake up I have a little motivation to get out of bed and get going. I keep shopping lists inside as well and its just the right size to fit in my purse so I can take it with me.

As you can see I only checked off two things for Monday (it was a bad day) but I have a few things to check off for today so that's an improvement. So far I love it, it gives me that little nudge to get up and do something and there is less to remember when its written down. I've been really struggling with a lack of energy these days so I hope this will help a bit.

Monday, March 16, 2009

"say something new"

I made these cute little wall hangings over the weekend to hang in our bedroom once we are finished painting. I got the idea here. I think they will look so cute on our green/brown walls.

Its been another down Monday for me. I'm just in my pajamas trying to relax. Monday's are hard because I come down from the weekend and I always have my therapy appointments on Tuesdays which I dread with a passion all day Monday because they are so difficult and tear jerking. But I'm trying to keep it together as much as I can.

Ron and I have decided to start eating better in general. We are going to have one meal a day where we can eat what we want with portion control, and then the rest of the day is smoothies, cereal or a small salad. We are also going to start taking a walk every night together when the weather allows. So woohoo. I love eating healthy but lately it just seems like we eat out way too much. I also love baking cookies and other goodies so that causes trouble, got to take a baking break...boohoo.

Friday, March 13, 2009

A picture and a poem

Here is a picture of the lovely Spring flowers by my bedside and in the background you can see our new bedroom wall color-- its so gorgeous and cozy.

Its cloudy and dreary out today. The perfect day for a little poem. This poem is by John Berryman from The Dream Songs:


Go, ill sped book, and whisper to her or
storm out the message for her only ear
that she is beautfiul.
Mention sunsets, be not silent of her eyes
and mouth and other prospects, praise her size,
say her figure is full.

Say her small figure is heavenly and full,
so as stunned Henry yatters like a fool
& maketh little sense.
Say she is soft in speech, stately in walking,
modest at gatherings, and in every thing
declare her excellence.

Forget not, when the rest is wholly done
and all her splendours opened one by one
to add that she likes Henry,
for reasons unknown, and fate has bound them fast
one to another in linkages that last
and that are fair to see.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quilt puppy

So I finished my quilt today and the puppies love it (as you can tell). It isn't perfect in any way but it has that home made look which is kind of cute. I didn't know how to finish the top edge so I decided to wrap the fleece backing over the top and add a bow, kind of wonky I know but it works.

Isabelle looks quite contemplative on the brown square.

And Amelia loves chewing on the bow. Let's see how long this thing will last before they tear it up...Amelia is at her terrible puppy stage where she wants to eat everything, jumps on everyone, takes walks like a bucking bronco and always seems to find something to shred. Maybe I should start giving her our junk mail...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


The dogs are soundly sleeping, Ron is teaching a class and I am here thinking, always thinking--about life. About all the things I want: want to do, want to feel, want to create, touch, taste, and how hard it is to get there, to get to those damn rounded high holy things that seem to forever abate me.

There is so much to do and so little time and energy to do it. The worst part is the lack of energy, the desire to always sleep creeping through me. In order to do things I need a maid, a nanny, I need to get better. Too bad getting better takes years. But progress is being made, slowly, surely, and all the other descriptive words you can put next to progress.

I want to do so many things, things that I don't know how to do anymore. Its like my brain swells with everything that is going on that I forget how to do the simple things. Paint my nails, clean the house, finish my quilt, meditate and be quiet--for God's sake find some quiet. I am sick even in my dreams now, instead of the fantastic and the usual dreamland comforts, I have dreams about trying to make soup, sleeping, talking to people about the troubles I'm having. I can't get into a deep restful sleep anymore. I feel haunted these days.

Enough complaining. Now to get up and do something.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Before and after

Isabelle went to the fanciful (and expensive) groomer yesterday to get a haircut. Now we can finally see her eyes and she doesn't look like an old man with too much facial hair anymore.

She was rather traumatized when she came home last night. She didn't know what to do with herself and was so tired. But after a good nights sleep she is back to her old self, running around and barking at everything.

Today is a cleaning day, well some cleaning, I'm feeling rather lazy and horrible this morning, I will just brush the dust bunnies around. Then tonight Ron and I are going to go see Watchmen in imax. It should be good (fingers crossed)

I am so fabric crazy these days, can't wait to go out and buy some more for crafts. I want to make cute little make up bags with little buttons, pin cushions and everything else.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

paint chips

We are going to start painting the house on Saturday. The first room to be painted is our pink bedroom (thank god). The color is called sandlewood and is a dark brown color. It should be good.

I sewed most of my quilt together this afternoon, now I just need to put the backing on. Since I didn't cut my squares perfectly the patches aren't aligned exactly right but it still is cute. Next time I will definitely buy the special cutter tool because cutting the squares by hand is just too hard.

Isabelle has been at the groomers since eleven this morning. Poor girl. Amelia is absolutely lost without her. I will post before and after pictures of her tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quilty McGee

It's been a few days. Sorry the picture is sloppy and un-artsy. I've been quilting in between naps. But mostly taking naps because I haven't been able to get into a deep sleep at night and all my medication makes me quite tired. Also, I'm avoiding some things and sleep is a great avoidance tool (so I've heard) and now I am a practicing member of the sleep to avoid things club. Oh well.

My quilt is rather, rawther messy at the moment. All sewed up seems and ragged edges but its coming along pretty well in my opinion. I'm going to work most of the day tomorrow on it, as I have probably only put about two hours into it so far. I also need to clean the house but being creative is so much more fun and rewarding.

Some goals I have:

finish my quilt

take more pictures

finish all the laundry

finish reading The Dream Songs by John Berryman

get a poker lesson from Ron