Friday, March 27, 2009

Game Night (post one)

Last night we had company. Our friends Lori and Karen came over and we played Rock Band and a game of Scrabble. Good times.

I had the worst letters ever! Ron got lucky and was able to use all his letters in one word, the word was (of course) talented. He also announced that he had all the letters to spell a part of a woman's anatomy (I won't mention here) which was pretty funny.

We sort of cheated and allowed in names as well, so I spelled out Quin assuming someone in Hollywood thinks that's a name, I actually think its kind of cute. Lori and Karen tried raw bell pepper for the first time and liked it (I think), they also both decided, once again, that they don't like cauliflower. At least the strawberries were delicious. I love having company and playing hostess. Especially when we have guests as fun as those two.

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