Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quilt puppy

So I finished my quilt today and the puppies love it (as you can tell). It isn't perfect in any way but it has that home made look which is kind of cute. I didn't know how to finish the top edge so I decided to wrap the fleece backing over the top and add a bow, kind of wonky I know but it works.

Isabelle looks quite contemplative on the brown square.

And Amelia loves chewing on the bow. Let's see how long this thing will last before they tear it up...Amelia is at her terrible puppy stage where she wants to eat everything, jumps on everyone, takes walks like a bucking bronco and always seems to find something to shred. Maybe I should start giving her our junk mail...

1 comment:

Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

It's so cute, great job on this! I still want to see pictures of the house!