Friday, March 20, 2009

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

I just got my Spring wardrobe together. I was down to six shirts, one black skirt, and two pairs of jeans that fit so I was way overdue for a shopping expedition. Now I have fifteen shirts (wowzas!), two pairs of jeans, three skirts, and two cardigan sweaters. I bought thirteen items for only $150...such a bargain!

I love all the ruffle blouses and I found two shirts with embroidered polka dots, so cute and colorful/comfortable for Spring. Hopefully most of these things will last through the Summer as well. I'm trying to dress a little more grown up but still chic and like myself. Its hard to stop shopping in the juniors section but I did it this time. No more "kids" clothes for me. Now I'm excited to mix and match. The only things I need now are a new pair of ballerina flats and some sandals.

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