Thursday, March 26, 2009

cleaning house

I love this picture of our brick chimney for our fireplace that smokes into the house so bad we can't use it. Yes, we bought and old dilapidated house. We are having company over tonight so I actually have to do some cleaning instead of just writing about it. The wood floors are full of dust and the pink bathroom with the cracked mirror is crying for some cleaning.

We have done so much work on the house, but it doesn't really show. Taking down wallpaper to reveal pocked walls isn't very satisfying. We just need to paint. Once we paint I know I will be in love. But painting isn't as easy as it seems when you have to also texture the majority of the walls. I hate being the people in the rich neighborhood with the cheapest house in town (literally). But at the same time, it doesn't matter all that much. Everyone on our streets understands (I hope) why we don't mow our lawn, there is just too much to do in the rest of the house to think of mowing the lawn and we don't have a lawnmower. Not sure why I have all this self consciousness about the house today, maybe because we are having friends over tonight.

In other news Amelia is gigantic now, she can actually jump and reach the kitchen counters (a big no no). But she is a good girl who hasn't had a bath in about three months (I know, stinky).

Ok now to cleaning...Catherine get to work!

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