Friday, March 27, 2009

Bird on a wire (post two)

The weather is finally nice enough to open the windows and air out the house. The breeze feels so good. I went out this morning and took pictures of our whimsical, rustic, overgrown magical forest of a backyard. Above is one of our neighborhood birds. Can't wait to get bird feeders. I love birds and here we have lots of Blue Jays and Woodpeckers.

Here is our overgrown grass (more weeds than grass) and the old broken picnic table the seller left.

Our telephone pole. I actually love telephone poles, they are so vintage and interesting to look at.

Our Junipers, or as I like to call them Bonsai Trees. They are so cool looking in a creepy way and give us so much privacy. We have debated taking them down, but have finally decided to build around them, they are such a piece of the property it would be sad to take them out. The ones in the front yard are coming out though, as they are so overgrown and planted in the wrong spots.

We used to have a red picnic table just like this growing up.

We have several tree stumps. I wonder what the trees looked like before they were cut down. I can't wait to landscape and put in some birch trees, flowers and a little garden.

This looks like something from an Indiana Jones movie. I can see it from the kitchen window and always wondered if it was an antique, until I came out (after months of wondering) and found out its just an old planter. Something we will definitely keep.

We actually have some flowers in the yard! These are growing and blooming like crazy throughout the yard. Forgot their name but they sure are pretty.

Weeds can be pretty too. We have a lot of dandelions.

We have chairs in the back so I was tempted to go out and journal but Isabelle and Amelia would have none of that as they almost knocked down the screen jumping, barking and crying for me. At least I got some pictures. Can't wait until we build a fence so we can really enjoy the yard.

1 comment:

sally said...

very cool; I'm stealing the bird photo (like I did with the one of your window) and it will be by new wallpaper :) also, I love the planter