Monday, February 2, 2009

a dog's life

Having a puppy is like having a baby, except a baby doesn't pee in front of the television during the super bowl. Amelia loved the super bowl, Isabelle didn't care so much.

We took the girls for a walk yesterday morning. It was Amelia's first, and Isabelle's first time on the Iron Horse Trail (as well as ours), they did so good meeting new people, dogs, and watching bikes and roller skates zoom by. We were quite proud of them.
The girls are getting along quite nicely, although I think Isabelle may feel a little left out sometimes. At least she has us all to herself at night when we are in bed, she laid right next to me all last night.
As you can see my life has gone to the dogs, taking them outside every fifteen minutes, trying to remember to keep my shoes away from Amelia, and stopping her from chewing on the laptop is quite a bit of work. But worth it.

1 comment:

sally said...

aaaahhhh....what fun!