Friday, March 6, 2009

Before and after

Isabelle went to the fanciful (and expensive) groomer yesterday to get a haircut. Now we can finally see her eyes and she doesn't look like an old man with too much facial hair anymore.

She was rather traumatized when she came home last night. She didn't know what to do with herself and was so tired. But after a good nights sleep she is back to her old self, running around and barking at everything.

Today is a cleaning day, well some cleaning, I'm feeling rather lazy and horrible this morning, I will just brush the dust bunnies around. Then tonight Ron and I are going to go see Watchmen in imax. It should be good (fingers crossed)

I am so fabric crazy these days, can't wait to go out and buy some more for crafts. I want to make cute little make up bags with little buttons, pin cushions and everything else.

1 comment:

sally said...

Cate, I can't wait to get together to sew. I'd love to see all the things you are making.

I have 2 new craft books from Portland (one used one from Powell's and one that my sister gave me) with lots of wonderful projects.