Wednesday, February 25, 2009


No pictures today, I'm just not in the mood. The sun is shining brightly through the thin sheer curtains waking me up better than the dogs did this morning. Now the dogs are running about wildly, rumpling the carpet in the living room, they are very excited to be together and play and that makes me happy.

I'm frustrated at myself this week. Can't seem to get motivated to do things. I want to make my quilt, clean the house, go for walks, do yoga, meditate, write--for god's sake write, take pictures, but all these things seem far away and intangible when I feel like this. I feel so inadequate, so shrumped out. I'm terribly afraid my writer parts have died and am nostalgic.

I have the dentist this morning then nothing until Ron and I got out to see a movie tonight. Perhaps time to write or make something, emotions and motivation aside. Sometimes creativity can be a depressing beast, an all expensing urge that can't be dealt out.

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