Friday, February 6, 2009

So I've started decorating the house a bit (finally) We still can't hang any pictures on the wall since we want to paint. But we did buy three wall shelves for in the living room to put cute collections on. I love the grass wallpaper behind it. The only wallpaper we are keeping in the entire house!
This weekend we should finish taking down all the wallpaper that we aren't keeping. Ron took the wallpaper down in my craft room when he got home from work the other day. Its so much fresher and less scary looking.
In other news, I am feeling pretty good other than just getting a root canal. Tonight Shanon and I are going to spend some time crafting and shopping at craft stores which should be so much fun. We are also going to Vegas next week because Ron has a class to go to. Since I will have a lot of time alone I want to do some crafting while we're there. What craft things do you think will be good for me to bring? Easy things that I can pack. Ideas welcome!


Betty said...

You should bring your art journal and colored pencils maybe oil crayons. I like the pics of your shelves.

Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

Embroidery! It's easy to pack in a bag. If you're only bring a carry-on, I'd look to see what the "needle rules" are these days. Sublime Stitching has awesome patterns, there's also a ton to buy on different etsy stores. I like embroidering canvas bags, tea towels, jean jackets, onesies, etc.