Friday, February 13, 2009

shopping girl and artwork

I went out to the strip to have lunch today. The Rio is off the strip so you have to take a shuttle to get there, after Ron and I met for a tasty lunch at California Pizza Kitchen, I walked him back to class and went to do some shopping.

Of course I went to Anthropologie! They had some great sales. I will post what I bought tomorrow.

Then I saw these gorgeous whimsical umbrellas.

So cute and dolly flower like!

One thing I love about the Rio is that they have some awesome artwork. I love the rose petals above, so glossy red and romantic.

This is only a section of the painting, it is about 6 feet long, something I would definitely have in my house.

Several Valentine pictures they have all year round.

Now I'm back in the room in my pajamas relaxing until Ron comes back around five. Tonight we are going to go to a noodle bar then play poker perhaps. Last night in poker I won about $800. We've been having a lot of fun at the tables, drinking and enjoying each other.

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