Friday, May 1, 2009

The sudafed eating dog monster

This is the sly look you get from Amelia after she eats a box of Sudafed. We ran around the house counting pills; we found six, so she must have eaten three. This morning she is feeling quite hyper and decongested. I could hardly sleep last night worrying we would wake up to a dead dog. She is such a monster and her new home is the garage anytime we go anywhere, no matter what. This is hard as they hate the garage more than anything and I am such a pushover.

I'm very slowly getting better (very slowly). Yesterday I confessed to Shannon how much laundry I have to do and she dared me to do two loads today so I have to keep my word. I need to change the bedsheets, clean the swinging trapeze mess of a kitchen and pick up all the bits of tissue Amelia has spread out on the floor.

Its raining out and its beautiful. Our backyard full of weeds as tall as me will grow even higher. Our little experiment.

My next craft project is to make another doll, this one with a red velvet dress and felt hair. Shannon's gorgeous faceless doll has inspired me.


Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

I'm glad to hear that Amelia is back to her hyper self once again! Jay freaks out if I give the dog anything.

Our weeds haven't escalated to my height yet, but I'm fearful that they will as Jay hates to mow more than almost anything.

Yea to making a doll! Did you ever get that Softies book?

I double-dare you to get your two loads of laundry!

catherine said...

Yes I got the softies book and tried a bunny that turned out a bit silly.

I have one load of laundry done! Woohoo