Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Here are some weeds from our hay and weed filled backyard. They are strange, prickly, and enormous. Some, like the one below, is growing through the leaves of a tree and is as tall as me. I like taking pictures of ugly things and trying to find something beautiful or interesting about them.

Today is therapy. Ron usually takes me, but he has to work so I'm on my own. I'm already running late as I should be in the shower right now, but don't really care. I feel old and rotten, overused like so much rubbish.

Good things:

Amelia and tennis balls
Yoga Journal
Apple juice

Bad things:

Feeling worthless
My wedding ring doesn't fit during the Summer because my finger swells
Being alone

1 comment:

Renee said...

I have to add to your list of good things so that they will outweigh the bad. So the score will be 6 to 5 for the good.

6. You write a heartfelt blog.

Renee xoxo