Thursday, April 23, 2009


I wish I had the energy to get off the couch and walk the fifteen feet to grab my camera and take a picture of the mess of pill packaging, tissues and dishes on the coffee table then upload the picture to the computer and post it on here, but right now that seems much too complicated and difficult as I am still sick and to make it all worse--I am sicker than I was yesterday.

I had a horrible night of coughing and that wacky nasty feeling of not wanting to swallow because when you do your ears feel like they are going to explode with pressure and your throat hurts. I did have the energy to look through a magazine, a real feat since all I have been able to do is sleep and watch television which is sucking my mind dry.

I sit here imagining going grocery shopping; buying fresh flowers, candles, fresh bread, fruit and vegetables. I am so hungry for my cooking, not that I'm a great cook just that homemade food tastes delicious. I sit here imagining cleaning the house, opening the curtains, dusting, clearing the amassing clutter, febreezing everything so the house doesn't smell like a dog.

Speaking of dog. These dogs are crazy. They have been asleep for about three hours now so its guaranteed that they will be up for the rest of the day getting into trouble and not realizing that their mother is feeling horrible. Not to mention that we are puppy sitting Winnifred until Monday who is their favorite playmate/troublemaker friend. I do feel bad though, as the vet sent a happy birthday email to Isabelle today and I forgot it was her birthday. Yes, they are our babies and spoiled rotten. We will get her a present this weekend and oh how I live vicariously through them.

Now to toddling to the kitchen to get some apple juice and throw away some of my Mount Diablo sculpture, also known as my pile of tissues.


Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

I was hoping you would provide a "I'm-feeling-better" update.

Oh, when you get a chance can you email me your address? Thanks!

catherine said...

I thought so to! Hopefully tomorrow there will be a feel better entry!