Thursday, April 2, 2009

Poor Dolly Winthrop

Here are some pictures of the sad little doll I'm making without a pattern. She is just a practice run and I've learned several things. One being I need to make a pattern next time so her arms are even. Secondly, I need to sew on her arms and legs before I sew together her body so I can hide them in her center. Third, that I need stronger fabric, and lastly that making a cute face on a doll is sort of hard (look below)...

She looks kind of sad and has premature wrinkles because the stitching was tied too tight. I think I can consider this as one of my many little failures, but I have to finish her, as leaving her half done is a little too sad. The next doll will be much better. I feel kind of silly posting pictures of her on here, but remember, I'm new to all of this sewing mischief.

1 comment:

sally said...

I think it is great that you are learning by trial & error. I thought I was the only one who wanted to make things without a pattern. (or is it just that I don't follow instructions very well so have quit trying?)
She is adorable...