Friday, July 24, 2009

crafting and the lost boy

Its morning and I haven't had breakfast yet because I'm too tired to get up. Of course I always have energy to blog...

I cried a lot last night and am feeling rather weepy and down this morning. But I'm going to craft regardless. I think I'm going to work on making a doll. I want to start working on my eggshell doll, but I don't know if I feel creative enough to design it, cut out a pattern etc... So perhaps a black apple doll.

My new sewing machine arrived yesterday. It is so fancy and I am very excited about it. The stitch diagram looks like some alien language. Its all a little confusing but I'm hoping I can figure it out.

In other news, we lost our dear kitty Oliver last night. We didn't really know he was gone until around midnight when we didn't hear his little meow and pitter-patter throughout the house. We searched all his hiding places and he was no where to be found. Then we started to search the backyard and heard some faint meowing only to find him in the front yard walking up to the doorstep. This was a little scary as we love the little guy and it reminded us of the first time he went missing as a kitten. So glad to have the Boocheesey back!

1 comment:

Rachelle @ Aud and Crafts said...

Your craft pictures are so cute! Great job!