Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"I am the grass, let me work."

Once again, its therapy day. I've already taken a nap as my medication causes me to have extremely vivid dreams at night that keep me from resting. Last nights dreams were that our neighbors were peeking into our house, a murder mystery at a beauty contest, and one about Shirley Temple. I feel like I've only had two hours of sleep, which is rotten.

I have a lot to talk about in therapy today. I really need to figure out these medication side effects and see if there is anything we can do to assuage them, I hope there is. Then to get out some of this rotting that is occurring right in my center.

In other news, I am going to do a little clothes shopping tomorrow which I am rather excited about. Hopefully I can find some skirts and cute blouses. We shall see...

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