Thursday, October 2, 2008


A dull morning. I'm down and can't help it for now. I am so tired of struggling so much just to get through the day. But I need to keep trudging through and try try again. I'm going to go for a walk and start moving thoroughly in order to get to a better place. Right now I'm tired, bitter, and filled with melancholy and depression like a sieve.
I couldn't sleep good last night, I woke up every two hours throughout the night and now feel the pin aches of restlessness reverberating through my body.

In other other news, I'm excited for the vice presidential debate tonight. I don't really like Sarah Palin all that much, I'm just so-so about her, but I do like McCain and think overall she was a pretty good pick. I'm interested to see more of her tonight and see how she does in the fire of Washington.

I'm excited for the weekend, especially because its going to rain on Saturday (fingers crossed). Today I'm going to set out our fireplace tools and get our apartment winterized. I'm also going to plan how I can spend perhaps $160 on Curb your enthusiasm, a fur blanket, perfume and a jean skirt. I doubt this can happen unless I get a lotto ticket...and win. But I am happy either way, just wishing and hoping.

Now to getting through this thoroughly terrible Thursday.

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