Monday, October 6, 2008


I'm so down in the mornings. I miss my dear Cymbalta. You don't know how good something works until you don't have it anymore.

In other news this was a pretty good weekend. On Saturday I went and got my ears pierced again, I sat in the chair like a little girl and pop there it went and I exclaimed "it's not as bad as a tattoo!" silly me. Then we went to a new restaurant (Pho Asian Bistro) and to see Nick and Norah and the Infinite Playlist. It was pretty cute and the restaurant was great.

Sunday we went to the California Grand to play some poker. Ron had a horrible run which still makes me feel gross to think about, some bad beats and he was incredibly card dead. Me on the other hand...after the first two hours of being card dead I hit a sick rush. I was in for $400 and left with $1900. I made about $166 dollars an hour! Our table was filled with wonderful donkeys so I just stacked up their chips and called them my own. Would have much rather had Ron be the big winner because having that many chips terrifies me, but was glad to build our bankroll.

I have to go to school and stick it out (that's what she said) this week no matter what. I don't want to but will continually recite to myself "I don't give a shit if you don't give a fuck" and remind myself of the stacks of cash at home. Oh I will be such a gangsta. Then to grocery shopping which isn't a very gangsterish thing to do at all but my name will be swizznizzle regardless. Peace.

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