Friday, October 24, 2008

Hope for flowers

So we got the house! We are so excited and just can't believe it. It actually is an interesting story as to how we ended up getting it and it just proves that it is the house for us. When we first went to see the house we noticed there were buddha statues in the front yard and we mentioned to our realtor the story about grandpa and how his congestive heart failure gave him a big belly so he got a tattoo of buddha on his belly and we called it the buddha belly and rubbed it for luck. Well, it turns out our realtor shared this story with the seller and that is why we got the house! He thought we were the right couple to live in his families home and even took less money for it! Ron and I just couldn't believe it. It just shows how things work out and how there is hope when money doesn't always speak louder than words. He is also going to give us one of the buddha statues and we are going to give it a special place in a yard in memory of grandpa.

So now we are moving in 40 days. It's all really overwhelming but good. There is so much work to do, getting the loan documents together, packing and getting rid of all our junk, budgeting for the mortgage, budgeting the fixes on the house, etc...It's going to be quite a big job but I know we can do it.

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