Monday, October 20, 2008

Sick day

My cold has suddenly got really bad which is just what I need on a Monday. I'm going to do things in spite of it which is probably a terrible idea.

Yesterday we went to look at a house in Alamo. It's a total remodel but has good bones and a huge yard. I love it but am worried it would be too much work for us and cost too much. I think I would like the challenge though. We will just wait and see and continue to think about it.

This weekend was pretty good overall. Saturday Ron went golfing so Shannon and I hung out all day which was a lot of fun. Then yesterday was house hunting and just resting with my baby and Isabelle.

This week Ron is busy with meetings so its my challenge to get through the days without him coming to help me. This will be a good test as to how things will be during the turnaround. I'm doing ok so far other than feeling sicky. Wish me luck...

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