Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"I'll make him an offer he can't refuse"

Last night we made an offer on the house for sale in Alamo. It apparently has several offers on it and we offered $75k below asking price so we doubt we will get it but it's worth a shot. It was good to see how serious the parents are, I know we will get a house soon even if it isn't this one and it was also good to go through the whole process in general.

So I'm rather anxious today and horribly sick with the devil cold. I have to go see Dr. K and go pick up some medicine regardless. I wish I had a maid though because I'm tired as I hardly slept last night because we didn't have any night time cold medicine.

One thing I have to say is I'm so sick of the coverage of McCain and Obama's rallies. They say the same exact thing and everyone feigns and shouts and stutters like they are The Beatles or something. Only 14 more days to handle at least.

Isabelle is trying to dig to China through the couch. She loves to dig but has no yard so the couch is a suitable replacement. She wants to go to her home country to get some won tons and is very sighy and growly about the whole thing.

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